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Ron Markus


Graphic Designer, photographer and video editor


Design Tools

Premiere Pro
After effects

About Me


Hey, i'm Ron
22 years old graphic designer, UX/UI designer,

photographer and video editor.
Passionate about visual storytelling and art.

Currently Working at mench-adv.

About Me
Design Tools
My Work

My Work

Il Mulino

Brand Book

This project is a brand book for a flour company.

The branding and marketing of Il mulino focus on the tradition behind the flour as well inspiring people to cook for the people closest to them as a love language.

Il Mulino


This project is an extra for the previous project.

Website for a flour company.

The website carry on the branding and feel from the brand book keeping textures and warm colors

Explore Budapest

Social Media

In this project we were tasked with making social media posts and stories, in a short time frame to a city in the world of our choosing. 


UI/UX App Case Study

Scored is an app for making bets on football games with friends free of money and any consequences. The app gives you live updates on games / teams / leagues and more so you can always see if your bets holds up.

Scored Logo


UX/UI Business Website

In this project we made a website for the Bursa in Ramat-Gan. The website purpose is convince business owners to build their business in the Bursa.


UX/UI E-commerce Design

Echo is an E-commerce website for camping equipment.
In this project we were tasked with making an E-commerce with a special feature. We chose to make a trip planner that will help you make the perfect trip, and recommend you the gear and equipment you need for the trip.


UX/UI App case study

Buddz is an app for finding new people and creating new connections. 
With the help of various features, you will dive into a world of discovery where you can engage with others who share the same interests as you.


UX/UI Movie One Page Design

This project is a one-page for the classic disney movie "ratatouille". In the website you will have option to buy the movie online, or have a dining experience inspired by the dishes in the movie. As well read about the movie and listen to the songs. 

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